Motor Rhythms

Motor Rhythms

January 2, 2013

Drum kit of the Month!

Next time your at the local book store or music store pick up a copy of the newest issue of Modern Drummer, and flip to the last page. There you will see that Motor Rhythms is the Drum kit of the Month for January 2013, and the cover article is about Vinnie Coluita, so that alone is worth checking out.

I want to say a big thanks to all the guys at MD for the interest they have taken in Motor Rhythms, it has been very cool.

January 1, 2013

The Donating Drummer

I read about an awesome guy this week and wanted to pass his story along.  Mark Powers is a percussionist who has stepped out of the box and created an amazing idea called The Donating Drummer.  You can read all about it at his site, but the basic idea is that he donates his own income from a gig to help someone else create, solve, learn, build, teach, or anything else you can think of.
So click below and think up something to submit!

The Donating Drummer

You can find out more about Mark at his personal website.

Powers Percussion